Top Hitting Articles for November

Nov 29, 2012

Kris and Dr. J. are traveling to San Francisco tomorrow for the H+ events, so we’re calling the top hitters for November a day early.

#1 - 7744 hits - Dick Pelletier’s Artificial wombs: is a sexless reproduction society in our future?

#2 - 4220 hits - Giulio Prisco’s Is consciousness a quantum mystery?

#3 – 2624 hits - Andrea Kuszewski’s Your Brain on Politics: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Liberals and Conservatives

#4 – 2261 hits - Kris Notaro’s No Dystopian Future For Me!

#5 – 2255 hits - Valerie Tarico’s Dramatic Drop In Teen Pregnancy Really a Technology Tipping Point

#6 - 2008 hits - Travis James Leland’s Scientific Illiteracy in the United States

#7 - 1870 hits - Dick Pelletier’s Future of war: bioweapons, cyber-warfare, mind-control and more

#8 - 1810 hits – George Dvorsky’s The emerging science of collective intelligence and the rise of the global brain

#9 - 1585 hits – Michael Lee’s Shock-testing the Black Swan Theory

#10 - 1553 hits - Marcelo Rinesi’s A To-Do List for the 21st Century