IEET Fellow Stefan Lorenz Sorgner in Immortalists Magazine

Apr 24, 2020

IEET Fellow Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was featured on the cover of the “Immortalists Magazine“. In the magazine, you find a detailed interview, in which he explains his reflections concerning his transhumanist take on the impact of the coronavirus crisis,

A selection of his reflections on the pandemic can also be accessed via the following video which is part of the channel “Posthumans go Viral”.

His ideas reveal that there is a conflict between health and privacy. As an increased health span is identical with a better quality of life for most human beings, we should focus on health. This does not imply that thereby we have to abandon freedom, too. In the contrast, his reflections reveal an intriguing line of thought: If we are forced to choose between health and privacy, we should go for freedom.

If you wish to respond to his reflections, or wish to share your reflections in an academic context, please submit your thoughts to the “Journal of Posthuman Studies”, the first academic journal explicitly dedicated to the posthuman.