Basic Income is certain, but ‘they’ will wait as long as they can to implement it.
Khannea Suntzu
2016-01-29 00:00:00

Technological unemployment, especially in the next 2-4 decades, is set to be a nightmare, in terms of making a lot of people extremely unhappy and anxious and as I see it (and from my personal experiences with my Basic Income) but at least with a workable solution, – Basic Income, we might not suffer a collapse of modernity, democracy, civilization, that sort of thing. Yes, Basic Income is now functionally a certainty. It may not yet be widely discussed by our current governments. but they know damn sure that this future is electorally inescapable.

Given enough unemployable people, given sufficiently depressed markets and product demand, Maybe consumers/voters might not be capable of exerting sufficient push to implement new laws, but before long a lot of consumer goods companies will start pushing their bought government representatives that they want consumers to be able to buy their junk (and banks might get nervous about the real possibility of massive mortgage defaults and a hard downward deflation in the globally bloated real-estate bubble).

Dredd: Okay, rookie. What do you know about Peach Trees?

Rookie: It has the highest crime rate in Sector 1 3. Unemployment rate of 96%.

…and more than half the residential levels here are classed as slums.

Dredd, 2012

Without something very closely resembling a humane, non-means-tested basic income. That means – enough to buy decent food, rent a decent home, go to a movie once or twice a month, get all rational insurances, have internet, get water and energy and buy a new sweater occasionally. Yanno, more than welfare.

But even if a coalition of voters, progressive humanist parties, churches, unions, companies manufacturing consumer goods somehow convince politicians tomorrow a basic income is a genius inescapable idea, politicians will be pulling out their hair to decide a massive amount of really complex questions. Here’s a few;

(do know any more for this list, let me know)

I can go on and on. Remember, a whole lot of viciously conservative, protestant, fiscalist fundamentalists, economists, libertarians, the Koch brothers, people benefiting from massive low-wage industries and desperate force labour, racists who won’t stand seeing dark-skinned people people receiving a basic income, social darwinists and Ayn Rand aficionado’s will be dead set against the mass implementation of a Basic Income, no matter the necessity or sound arguments. Also, quite a lot of established and left-wing lifetime career politicians might (perversely?) be staunch adversaries of a basic income. Most socialist parties and unions worldwide don’t like basic a basic income, at all. It would reduce voter need for their services as defenders of the lower classes. Or worse – a lot of government bureaucrats might already be smelling the imminent consequences of implementing a basic income – a society with a basic income needs a lot less bureaucratsA civil servant glued to his or her seat would be terrified of a basic income.

I am ideologically very progressive, a socialist-libertarian, a materialist atheist, a futurist and a transhumanist. I look at the future with a decades of experience in the field and I know that a basic income is pretty much inescapable. But that doesn’t mean the battle won’t be very hard, or that we might not have decades of dystopian, post-middle class squalor, mass nativistfar right populist, with an extremely disparate society ahead of us. But I say with quite a bit of sincerity basic income is inescapable, simply because in the end it will prove cheaper than any sensible alternative. Giving people free stuff saves a lot on overhead, despite of what a lot of older voters might argue.

The question now is how long it will take, and that’s largely the prerogative of politician mandarins. They get to decide it. That means that politicians have a significant incentive to hold out “just a little longer” in actually implementing a basic income. The longer they wait, the longer they leave the mass unemployable “precariat” in the cold, the longer they will be stuck having to institutionalize something they will never be able to un-implement. Once you implement a basic income, very quickly it will be regarded as a human right, be “constitutionalized” and be utterly irreversible. People fight tooth and nail to defend rights that have been “achieved”, and rightly so.

There will one day be a future where this current perverse, insider system will be dismantled. We’ll dismantle the “perverse incentive” banking sector, bailouts, the revolving door, the bloated Big State and when we do, we will see a society where money is not created as a fiat instrument of politicians nationalist hobbies, but rather money is created with voters. That’s right – being a person, being a citizen, being a voter and being a human being will be quintessentially equated with a humane, non-means-tested basic income guarantee. Corporations won’t cozy up to banks that print money out of thin air – no things will be as they are supposed to be – corporations will trip over themselves to satisfy consumers to make money.

When? The longer politicians play “hard to get”, the worse conditions in our society will deteriorate. If we get lucky, it will be 2025 but I am not betting on it. If the process proceeds sluggish (more likely) it will take till 2050. But not much later and not much longer. Quote me if I am still alive by then.