Looking Toward the Red Planet. Mars Party.
Pedro Villanueva
2016-07-18 00:00:00

When a country's budget increases for research, investment and development towards a future colonization of Mars generated new jobs, new technologies, economic and cultural growth in the countries of the Earth.

The first political party in the world! Budget to Mars?

                           © First declaration of the foundation of the Mars Party.

Registered I.P # 263016 2016    

January 18, 2016

Mars would be the second objective for the development of the planet Earth in all respects, why? Because with a strong economic investment to Mars promotes many jobs directly and indirectly related to the planet Mars in the economic, technological, scientific and cultural. A strong link with Mars and in a future colonization can create a sustainable economy for the Earth. 

Platform of the political party.

  1. Creation of the Agency for the exploration, colonization to Mars and other organizations related to the red planet that will help develop the economy, employment in the Earth and boost the economy.

  2. The creation of laws that promote the initiative private, public, educational and cultural research with new instrumental exploration of policies and colonization to Mars. Law of Mars is called as Mars Act.

  3. To promote the exploration of Mars to study its properties and development of new materials that may be useful for the Earth.

  4. To incorporate the theme of the planet Mars in school, education and cultural awareness in the future.

Note: To register a Mars Party in other countries or in any country, you must have the permission or authorization and the presence of the founder, is registered under intellectual property.

About the vision of the Startups to Mars: