IEET appoints Munkittrick as Program Director
Managing Director
Mar 29, 2010

We are pleased to announce that Kyle Munkittrick has accepted a position with the IEET as Program Director: Envisioning the Future.

In his new role, Kyle will be directly responsible for updating, improving, and promoting our Non-Human Images Database (NHID) project, and for expanding and overseeing work being done on the IEET’s Technoprogressive Wiki project. In addition, he will assist in supervising the efforts of our interns. He will report directly to IEET Managing Director Mike Treder.
Kyle Munkittrick is an NYU Masters student in the John W. Draper Program. His current areas of study are feminism, science studies, and critical theory. He also writes the Pop Transhumanism blog, focused on understanding the continuing evolution of the human species through the lens of popular culture.