Betterhumans Relaunching With IEET Columnists

Apr 7, 2007

Since 2002 the innovative Toronto-based webmagazine Betterhumans has played a key role in the development of the technoprogressive perspective represented by the IEET.  IEET Board of Directors member George Dvorsky has been the assistant editor of Betterhumans since its launch. I wrote a series of bi-weekly columns for Betterhumans from 2003 to 2005 that found their way into Citizen Cyborg. IEET fellows Dale Carrico and Russell Blackford wrote columns for Betterhumans, and IEET writer and intern Anne Corwin found her way to us through Betterhumans.

When the editor and founder Simon Smith went back to school to study the history and philosophy of science the site morphed into more of community blog. Now it is re-launching and IEETers including Anne, George, Russell and myself, and IEET contributors such as Michael Anissimov, will be writing regular columns there again. We’re excited about renewing the synergism between the IEET and the BH community, and especially to see what new contributions Simon will bring to technoprogressive and transhumanist activism. My BH columns will focus on the Cyborg Life and Cyborg Buddha projects.