Bostrom and others on the anthropic principle

2007-02-19 00:00:00

The universe appears to be so finely tuned to permit the existence of intelligent life that there may have been an Intelligent Designer. Or is it that since we can only exist in one of the infinite number of universes that permit intelligent life that is the only kind of universe we can observe? The latter is the "anthropic principle." Nick Bostrom is one of the world's experts on this question, and is interviewed for this excellent documentary about it.

The universe appears to be so finely tuned to permit the existence of intelligent life that there may have been an Intelligent Designer. Or is it that since we can only exist in one of the infinite number of universes that permit intelligent life that is the only kind of universe we can observe? The latter is the "anthropic principle." Nick Bostrom is one of the world's experts on this question, and is interviewed for this excellent documentary about it.