Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism

Nov 16, 2006

The Center for Inquiry, affiliated with the Council for Secular Humanism, has organized this petition in defense of secular and scientific public policy.

We are deeply concerned about the ability of the United States to confront the many challenges it faces, both at home and abroad. Our concern has been compounded by the failure exhibited by far too many Americans, including influential decision-makers, to understand the nature of scientific inquiry and the integrity of empirical research. This disdain for science is aggravated by the excessive influence of religious doctrine on our public policies.

We are concerned with the resurgence of fundamentalist religions across the nation, and their alliance with political-ideological movements to block science. We are troubled by the persistence of paranormal and occult beliefs, and by the denial of the findings of scientific research. This retreat into mysticism is reinforced by the emergence in universities of “post-modernism,” which undermines the objectivity of science.

These disturbing trends can be illustrated by the push for intelligent design (a new name for creationism) and the insistence that it be taught along with evolution. Some 37 states have considered legislation to mandate this. This is both troubling and puzzling since the hypotheses and theories of evolution are central to modern science. The recent federal court decision in the Dover, Pa., case has set back, but not defeated, these efforts. Moreover, the resilience of anti-evolution movements is supported not only by religious dogmatism but also by the abysmal public ignorance of basic scientific principles. Consider these facts:

Recent polls have illustrated other instances of scientific illiteracy:

We think that these dismal facts portend a clear and present danger to the role of science in the U.S. In our view it is not enough to teach specific technical subjects—important as that is—but to convey to the public a general understanding of how science works. This requires both some comprehension of the methods of scientific inquiry and an understanding of the scientific outlook. The cultivation of critical thinking is essential not only for science but also for an educated citizenry—especially if democracy is to flourish.

Unfortunately, not only do too many well-meaning people base their conceptions of the universe on ancient books—such as the Bible and the Koran—rather than scientific inquiry, but politicians of all parties encourage and abet this scientific ignorance. It is vital that the public be exposed to the scientific perspective, and this presupposes the separation of church and state and public policies that are based on secular principles, not religious doctrine. Yet government legislators and executives permit religion, instead of empirical, scientifically supported evidence, to shape public policy. Consider:

We cannot hope to convince those in other countries of the dangers of religious fundamentalism when religious fundamentalists influence our policies at home; we cannot hope to convince others that it is wrong to compel women to veil themselves when we deliberately draw a veil over scientific knowledge; we cannot hope to convince others of the follies of sectarianism when we give preferential treatment to religious institutions and practices. A mindset fixed in the Middle Ages cannot possibly hope to meet the challenges of our times.

Science transcends borders and provides the most reliable basis for finding solutions to our problems. We maintain that secular, not religious, principles must govern our public policy. This is not an anti-religious viewpoint; it is a scientific viewpoint. To find common ground, we must reason together, and we can do so only if we are willing to put personal religious beliefs aside when we craft public policy.

For these reasons, we call upon political leaders of all parties:

Science and secularism are inextricably linked and both are indispensable if we are to have sound public policies that will promote the common good, not only of Americans but of the global community.

In-agreement signatures, for the Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism  

Baruj Benacerraf, PhD—Nobel Laureate (Physiology and Medicine), Dana-Farber Cancer Inst.

Paul Boyer, PhD—Nobel Laureate (Chemistry), Prof. Emer., Univ. of California–Los Angeles

Steven Weinberg, PhD—Nobel Laureate (Physics); Prof. of Physics, Univ. of Texas–Austin

Jo Ann Boydston—former exec. dir., John Dewey Foundation

Gwen W. Brewer, PhD—Prof. Emer., California State Univ.–Northridge

Stephen Barrett, MD—Board Chairman, Quackwatch, Inc.

Arthur Caplan, PhD—Chair, Dept. of Medical Ethics, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Elizabeth Daerr—Exec. Dir., CfI/Washington, DC

Daniel C. Dennett, PhD—Prof. of Philosophy, Tufts Univ.

Edd Doerr—President, Americans for Religious Liberty, Silver Spring, MD

Ann Druyan—author, producer; President, The Carl Sagan Foundation, Ithaca, NY

Martin Gardner—author and editor

Rebecca Goldstein, PhD—author, Visiting Prof. of Philosophy, Trinity College

Adolf Grünbaum, PhD— Prof. and Chair, Center for Philosophy of Science, Univ. of Pittsburgh

Peter Hare, PhD—Distinguished Prof. Emer. of Philosophy, SUNY Buffalo

James A. Haught—Executive Editor, The Charleston Gazette

David Helfand, PhD—Prof. of Astronomy, Columbia Univ.

Gerald Holton, PhD—Prof. of Physics, Harvard Univ.

Leon Jaroff—senior science editor (retired), Time and Discover

Donald C. Johanson, PhD—Dir., Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State Univ.

Stuart D. Jordan, PhD—Prof. Emer., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Barry Karr—Exec. Dir., Center for Inquiry/Transnational, Amherst, NY

Daniel Kelleher—entrepreneur, Kalispell, MT

Tom Knapp—Vero Beach, FL

Virginia Knapp—Vero Beach, FL

David Koepsell, PhD, JD—Exec. Dir., Council for Secular Humanism

Lawrence Krauss, PhD—Prof. of Physics and Astronomy, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH

Paul Kurtz, PhD— Prof. Emer. of Philosophy, SUNY Buffalo; Chairman, Center for Inquiry/Transnational

Ronald A. Lindsay, PhD, JD—Legal Dir., CfI-Office of Public Policy, Washington, DC

Jere H. Lipps, PhD—Prof., Museum of Paleontology, Univ. of California–Berkeley

Elizabeth Loftus, PhD—Dist. Prof. of Psychology and Social Behavior, Univ. of California–Irvine

Steve Lowe—Washington Area Secular Humanists

Kenneth Marsalek—founding member & past president, Washington Area Secular Humanists

Joe Nickell, PhD—Senior Research Fellow, CSICOP at Center for Inquiry, Amherst, NY

Matthew Nisbet, PhD—Asst. Prof. of Communications, American Univ.

Steven Pinker, PhD—author and Prof. of Psychology, Harvard Univ.

Elie A. Shneour, PhD—President and Research Director, Biosystems Research Inst., San Diego, Calif.

Peter Singer, PhD—Prof. of Philosophy, Princeton Univ.

Victor Stenger, PhD—Prof. Emer., Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Hawaii

Edward Tabash, JD—Chair, First Amendment Task Force

Lionel Tiger, PhD— Prof. of Anthropology, Rutgers Univ.

Toni Van Pelt—Policy Dir., CfI-Office of Public Policy, Washington, DC

Edward O. Wilson, PhD—Pellegrino University Prof. Emer., Harvard Univ.

*Institutions for identification only