Prof. Mark Walker's (IEET, NMSU) new book explores pharmacologically engineered emotions

2013-09-04 00:00:00

Prof. Mark Walker serves on the Board of Directors of the IEET, on the editorial board of the Journal of Evolution and Technology, and served on the Board of Directors of Humanity Plus from 2002 to 2006. His new book "Happy-People-Pills For All" looks at the latest theories about what it means to be happy and envisions a future in which the rest of us might get the emotional boost that some people enjoy naturally. Walker's book "Happy-People-Pills For All" will go on sale in the spring and is already listed with an online bookseller for pre-order. Walker will teach a course in the spring titled "Should we want to be happy?"

Prof. Mark Walker serves on the Board of Directors of the IEET, on the editorial board of the Journal of Evolution and Technology, and served on the Board of Directors of Humanity Plus from 2002 to 2006. His new book "Happy-People-Pills For All" looks at the latest theories about what it means to be happy and envisions a future in which the rest of us might get the emotional boost that some people enjoy naturally. Walker's book "Happy-People-Pills For All" will go on sale in the spring and is already listed with an online bookseller for pre-order. Walker will teach a course in the spring titled "Should we want to be happy?"