Understanding the self through self bias (46min)

2015-01-15 00:00:00

"I am a cognitive neuropsychologist with research interests covering: the diagnosis and management of cognitive problems after brain injury, visual attention, perception, language and the control of action, social cognition. I have published over 500 papers in international journals and 16 books. I have been awarded the Spearman Medal, the Prize for Cognitive Psychology (twice), and the President’s Award of the British Psychological Society, the Donald Broadbent Prize from the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, a Humboldt Fellowship, the Leibniz Professorship and Special Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Sciences, the Royal Society of Medicine, the Academy of Social Sciences and the British Academy. I have edited the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Visual Cognition (founding Editor) and the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. I am currently Watts professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford."

"Current main research inserted:

The control of attention in perception and action, particularly in relation to cues to action in the environment and to social associations. My research uses multiple techniques including: neuropsychogical and experimental studies, structural and functional brain imaging (fMRI, EEG), trans-cranial magnetic and direct current brain stimulation and computational modelling." - www.psy.ox.ac.uk

"I am a cognitive neuropsychologist with research interests covering: the diagnosis and management of cognitive problems after brain injury, visual attention, perception, language and the control of action, social cognition. I have published over 500 papers in international journals and 16 books. I have been awarded the Spearman Medal, the Prize for Cognitive Psychology (twice), and the President’s Award of the British Psychological Society, the Donald Broadbent Prize from the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, a Humboldt Fellowship, the Leibniz Professorship and Special Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Sciences, the Royal Society of Medicine, the Academy of Social Sciences and the British Academy. I have edited the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Visual Cognition (founding Editor) and the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. I am currently Watts professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford."

"Current main research inserted:

The control of attention in perception and action, particularly in relation to cues to action in the environment and to social associations. My research uses multiple techniques including: neuropsychogical and experimental studies, structural and functional brain imaging (fMRI, EEG), trans-cranial magnetic and direct current brain stimulation and computational modelling." - www.psy.ox.ac.uk
