Thanks to Carrico and Corwin
IEET Fellow Dale Carrico
Mar 18, 2008

IEET Fellow Dale Carrico and IEET intern Anne Corwin have given great service to the IEET project and we’re sad to report that they won’t be part of the IEET this year.

Dale will continue to blog over at Amor Mundi, and you can read his thoughts there. IEET Board member Giulio Prisco notes “Dale’s arguments have made a deep impact on many persons associated with the IEET, and persuaded them to adopt a more mature political outlook. Many of us admire and respect Dale as an acute political and cultural critic. His blog Amor Mundi is, in my opinion, one of the best sources of fresh and provocative political and cultural insights. On behalf of the IEET Board, I wish the best to Dale and will continue to closely follow the evolution of his thinking.”

Anne is moving on to focus more of her attention on longevity activism with the Methusaleh Foundation and on neurodiversity and disability activism. She promises to continue blogging at Existence is Wonderful, and tantalizingly suggests she may take up writing of fiction.

All the best, and thanks.