China's Troubles
Alex Lightman
2012-03-19 00:00:00

China's rise, even if peaceful, is fraught with horrors, and these should be discussed globally, rather than the constant distraction of the crack-head obsession with GDP statistics that are probably fake, and definitely mostly from real estate, which is unsustainable in a nation with a workforce that is in the process of peaking over the next four years, and then plunging.

Here's my list of problems in China:

1. Government suppression of the Chinese people.

2. World's most polluted air.

3. World's most polluted water.

4. World's fastest increasing deserts, measured by number of people negatively affected.

5. Thousands of villages supplied with water by trucks, as their wells have run dry.

6. Lack of any moral compass in dealing with and supporting other regimes: all that matters is the mineral contracts.

7. Agreeing to the terms of the WTO, then seeking to extort and blackmail other nations over Rare Earth Minerals, like a sleazy merchant in LA trying to charge $10 a gallon for water after an earthquake.

8. Progress built on a Mount Everest of intellectual property theft of over $1 trillion, mostly from the US.

9. Stuck in 2% margin manufacturing, with zero trusted brands in global commerce.

10. Over 150,00 violent protests each year, more than 10x the rest of the world combined.

11. Harvesting of political prisoners for their organs.

12. 400% increase in military spending in the last six years.

13. Colonial aggressor and genocidal occupier of East Turkistan and Tibet, territories that had less than 5% Chinese.

14. Outrageous racism: virtually no citizenship granted to outsiders.

15. World's worst female genocide, via female infanticide - 20 to 50 million murdered females. XX chromosome = death sentence for a population equivalent to a European nation.

16. No big innovations that benefited humanity as a whole in a thousand years.

17. Bragging about "94% Han" racial purity. How is that different from Hitler bragging about the purity of the Aryan race? Racial purity is a 20th century source of horror - what good has ever come from this sort of government obsession?

18. The 55-60 million Chinese who have left/fled China have an economic output roughly equivalent to China, indicating that the government is a burden on the people, not an enabler.

19. Lack of public medical care, in contrast to Communist rhetoric.

20. Source of diseases, and selfish, egotistical, nationalistic suppression of medical information about those diseases that could save lives in other countries. A new black death could be raging in China right now, and it might be kept secret.

21. Corruption endemic at all levels, "solved" by a bullet in the back of the head for those without enough political power.

22. Fake financials and overheated stock market dominated by government owned companies that can lie with impunity, and with actual ownership and control too blurred to follow.

23. Peak workforce and most rapidly aging poor country in the world, with a terrible elder safety net and one child per family impossibility of family care for the elderly.

24. Rotten to the core system of intellectual property protection, with the claim for $1.6 billion for iPad infringement just the most recent criminal mentality on global parade.

25. No consistency in real property ownership, with the politically unconnected constant victims of land theft by greedy and corrupt municipal counsels.