Responsible innovation key to the success of emerging technologies
Andrew Maynard
2014-07-17 00:00:00

Some of the trends– computers that can read and interpret brain signals and screen-less displays that project images directly onto a person’s retina, for example, may seem straight out of a science-fiction movie.  Others – like nanostructured carbon composites and grid-scale energy storage – have been evolving for a while.  But each trend  represents breakthroughs that are poised to underpin significant economic, social and environmental impact in the near future.

That said, in today’s complex and interconnected world, their sustainable development and use also hinges on understanding how they might harm people and the environment, and how people’s perceptions and assumptions might affect their development trajectories.  This is where an increasingly sophisticated understanding of sustainable innovation is needed.  While scientists and engineers are masters at demonstrating what is technologically possible, it is society that ultimately decides which technologies succeed and which do not.

The World Economic Forum top ten technology trends push us far beyond the realms of what we are used to – this is why they are so exciting and inspiring.  To be sustainable though, the complex engineering they represent must be integrated with an understanding of how to develop and use them safely and effectively.

Take for example advances in human microbiome therapeutics, which involve modifying or even re-engineering bacteria naturally found in humans to prevent or treat health conditions.  Using our own bacteria to cure ailments and protect against disease may sound better than pumping our bodies with medications. But unless we get a good handle on the potential downsides of messing around with the bacteria that are part and parcel of how our bodies work, it’s going to be tough to get effective microbiome therapies off the ground.

Not all of these trends are so esoteric or seemingly inaccessible to consumers.  For instance, consumer technologies such as relatively inexpensive screen-less displays are just around the corner.  Take the Glyph for example, a screen-less display developed by local Ann Arbor company Avegant that is poised to transform personal video displays. This is a tremendously exciting technology that could potentially revolutionize how we receive and work with visual information. Its potential extends far beyond videos and gaming to changing how we visually interact with complex data.  But its long-term success – like the success of other technologies in the top ten list – will depend on getting the social as well as the technological and economic calculus right. Achieve this, and the power exists to transform good ideas into agents of change in a world that is hungry for technologies that help solve problems and make lives better.

That is a vision of sustainable technology innovation that truly excites me.

This year’s World Economic Forum  top ten emerging technologies are:

For more in-depth analysis on each of the trends,visit World Economic Forum website.