Four Loko and Our Irrational Fear of Cognitive Enhancement
Kyle Munkittrick
2010-11-21 00:00:00

The FDA is banning it! People are taking sides and making bathtub home-brew! Politicians are binge drinking it for SCIENCE! Some folks think the ban might be classist or infringe our freedom of speech!


Why is everyone so upset over this disgusting fusion of energy drink and booze? The official answer:
The FDA says it examined the published peer-reviewed literature on the co-consumption of caffeine and alcohol, consulted with experts in the fields of toxicology, neuropharmacology, emergency medicine and epidemiology as well as reviewed information provided by product manufacturers. FDA says it also performed its own independent laboratory analysis of these products and listened to experts who have raised concerns that caffeine can mask some of the sensory cues individuals might normally rely on to determine their level of intoxication.

Allow me to translate: the caffeine, guarana and taurine make it so that you're less aware you're drunk, so you get more drunk. Caffeine and alcohol, what a novel combination! Apparently the FDA has never heard of Red Bull and vodka, Irish coffee, or even a rum and Coke.

More importantly (or more hilariously) the FDA seems to think that people who purchase drinks like Four Loko and Joose make a point to pay attention to "sensory cues" to "determine their level of intoxication." My absolutely unscientific and unverifiable opinion is that it is very hard to rely on "sensory cues" when one is "blackout, fall-down drunk."

But that's not the real point, is it? If it was, we'd ban every possible combo of caffeine and alcohol. What's at stake here is our society's fear of cognitive enhancement...