Better than Borg in an Age of Enhancement

2014-03-06 00:00:00

Adam Ford of The Rational Future sits down with IEET fellow Ramez Naam to talk about genetic engineering, space, risk, group think, supply and demand of science and technology, social divide, the technological singularity (in the context of bettering the human condition and he also refutes the popular claim that it will be godlike in nature.) and transhumanism. Published on Mar 5, 2014.

Adam Ford of The Rational Future sits down with IEET fellow Ramez Naam to talk about genetic engineering, space, risk, group think, supply and demand of science and technology, social divide, the technological singularity (in the context of bettering the human condition and he also refutes the popular claim that it will be godlike in nature.) and transhumanism. Published on Mar 5, 2014.