Education, Consciousness, Intellectualism, Poverty, Future
Kris Notaro
2013-04-17 00:00:00

The irrational intellectual media can come from the lack of research or facts, from our time and place within history of science (scientific paradigms), rationality, and the collection and understanding of theories, truth, facts, memes, and proofs. Out of what seems a haunting truth, or constant from this quest of “understanding” existence, is the inevitability of the intellectual constant. The issue then arises that, out of what seems to be intuitive grasping of this “haunting truth” is that the “pointing towards” of the associations intellectuals make with the words “we”, “one”, “I”, and mind/brain, we are forced to associate science and rationality with intellectualism, in such a way as to render them connected and because of the “intuition” that in order to really explain reality, to explain “us” the history of the scientific elite or intellectuals is assumed without doubt, with a huge degree of assurance, is the only way to really understand what we mean when we say “we”.

This unfortunate reality thus shows that because of birth and death, the living must constantly learn and rationally think in the context of science in order to make progress into the discovery or formulation of the Theory of Everything, epistemology and ontology, so that the felt notion of being and existence, in which we intuitively force onto, out of uncertainty or ambiguity to that notion of “I” and “we” is a necessary process to understand mind/brain, existence and being.

Unfortunate because, given the reality of the situation, billions of people are excluded from really grasping this notion, primarily and exclusively because of birth and death and the resources required along with the time it takes for this realization and for education to hit this plateau of understanding how to understand.

This reality, that of the lack of billions of people understanding the connection between rationality, science, and uncertainty and being, is thus conflict from not only ignorance, but also the elite intellectuals ("intellectuals" come in many forms, however i believe they all use science to their advantage, even pseudo science like economic theory concerning the capitalist system) and the ignorant.

We all truly have to learn and figure out how to live, and how to be, and figure out how it is that we exist in this undefined reality. People can be immensely lost in a world which throws at them immense uncertainty contributed by religions, social constructions of reality, theories which defy rationality, and ideas/memes which bring with them absurdity.

The self, that part of the mind/brain which has the ability to both introspect, and to feel what it is like to experience what it is like to be the mind/brain in which you are is of major importance today, not only socially, but also scientifically and philosophically. The self, that part of the mind/brain which is like the spot light on ones own memories, filters, and abilities, is of major importance today because we have made it so, out of a yearning to understand the mind/brain and existence, and unfortunately the inclusion of irrational-memes.

The fact that we are now researching the physical ability this mind/brain has to create feelings which are conscious to the self/mineness will probably revolutionize the way we think about the mind/brain and reality. It will revolutionize it because the consequences seem so severe, so important that what we know about being human today is liable to change in ways we can only guess. And by guessing I mean thought experiments done by people who, because of their privilege, have access to such information. Many people today believe that its absurd to start taking seriously the idea that humans will soon be changed biologically through genetic manipulation and the integration of body and mind with computer technology, and any technology which may lead to other physical/mental changes of the human as we know it.

Never before has it been so clear that this is going to be an upcoming reality which “we” must take seriously before any mistakes are made. Theorizing about the moral and ethical implications is a necessity, as well as the effect it will have on society and mind/brain/consciousness. The social implications as well as the scientific understanding of Being will be immense. I think that we should really consider the impact this will have on our idea of young/new minds and education. And as long as we haven’t reached the actual integration and merging of computers, as long as we are not posthumans in nature via drugs, nanotechnology, and genetic engineering, we should use this idea as a thought experiment to better understand ourselves.

Researching animal minds/brain, our mind/brain, and that of the notion of the future mind/brain we can make drastic leaps in our understanding of the current reality we live in. To think that it takes so long for people to realize the nature of the universe around them and the absurdity of social constructions of reality -in the context of irrational memes, is one of the sadist things I can think of. And "we" know all this can change, and will change with the help of rational theorizing, the spreading of technology and equal access to education, food, housing, etc.