Wild ride ahead: glimpse at humanity's long range future
Dick Pelletier
2014-06-30 00:00:00

     For years, scientists have bandied about radical ideas that future humans will one day harness wormholes to zip across the universe at faster-than-light speeds to explore vast distances in space, travel through time, and visit other universes.

     Now, researchers at the Cern Particle Accelerator believe their machine can recreate conditions like the "big bang," which brought time and space into existence, and create baby black holes and wormholes; elements that many believe offer the best chance to validate or dispute the concept of developing faster-than-light travel.

    In 1964, astronomer Nikolai Kardashev devised a method to categorize advanced civilizations based on energy consumption. Type-I utilizes all solar energy that strikes its planet, Type-II, controls all energy in its solar system, and Type-III harnesses power from every star in its galaxy. Others have since added Type-IV, which masters the entire energy output of a universe.

    Physicists' rate today's humans at Type-0.7. In the Runaway Universe, author Don Goldsmith reminds us that Earth receives only one billionth of the suns energy, and that we utilize just one millionth of that; but with nanotech and strong AI advances expected by mid-century, forward-thinkers predict we could reach Type-I by 2100.

    The following list estimates the times humanity could reach each new civilization level:

    Is it possible that this 'wild ride' will ever become humanity's reality?

    Achieving this future will mean new ways of living, thinking, loving, and being born. It may mean the end of all these things and the dawn of a new world.

    Admittedly, many of these ideas may sound like optimism gone wild; but stay positive. This long-range future may one day become yours to enjoy.



