IEET Fellow Linda Glenn Publishes “Nanofood” Essay in Northeastern University Law Journal
Linda MacDonald Glenn JD, LLM
Aug 17, 2012

IEET Fellow Linda MacDonald Glenn JD, LLM  is the co-author - with Lisa D’Agostino - of an bioethics essay entitled “The Movable Feast: Legal, Ethical, and Social Implications of Converging Technologies on our Dinner Tables.”


Her essay introduction states: “From genetically modified crops to nanoparticles in our food, converging technologies are changing what we eat and how we eat it. ‘Converging technologies’ refers to the union of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technologies, and Cognitive Sciences (NBIC). Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are already part of the legal landscape and nanofoods are not far behind.”

The essay has been published by the Northeastern University Law Journal. To read it or download it, CLICK HERE