University Students Define the Future Ethics They Want
Hank Pellissier
2012-10-01 00:00:00

On October 2, I surveyed an auditorium of 400 freshmen at the University of California, in Santa Cruz. The audience was 55% male, 45% female. My questions were on a wide variety of transhumanist topics, similar to the Terasem Survey.

Here's the opinion that was expressed by the USA's Academic Top 10% (that's the percentile one needs to belong to for acceptance into the UC system). The "survey" is just a very rough estimate, taken by a quick show of hands, so I cannot claim accuracy any closer than... 10-12%. Additionally, the faculty voted along with the students.

(There are additional criticisms of my "methodology" in comments, made by one of the attending teachers. See Below)

Artificial Wombs: Is developing this technology ethical and advisable? (question refers to this essay)

Yes - 80%
No - 20%

Is it ethical for high IQ sperm and eggs to be available, at a cost only the wealthy can afford?

Yes - 50%
No - 30%
Undecided - 20%

Is it ethical to sell your bodily organs?

Yes - 80%
No - 5%
Undecided - 15%

is it ethical to cut off your penis, if you want to? (question refers to this essay)

Yes - 80%
No - 10%
Undecided - 10%

Is it ethical to select the gender of your baby?

Yes - 15%
No - 80%
Undecided - 5%

(there was discussion beforehand about the feticide of girls in India and China)

Should all parents be licensed; no one can be a parent unless they pass a test?

Yes - 60%
No - 20%
Undecided - 20%

(many of these questions are drawn from my essay, Ban Baby-Making Unless Parents Are Licensed)

Should alcoholics and drug addicts be prevented from having babies, due to high risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and other problems caused by substance abuse?

Yes - 70%
No - 20%
Undecided - 10%

Should people convicted of violent crime be prevented from having children?

Yes - 40%
No - 40%
Undecided - 20%

Should people carrying serious genetic diseases be prevented from having children?

Yes - 30%
No - 70%

Should psychopaths be allowed to have children?

Yes - 33%
No - 66%

(I explained that inheriting psychopathology is 50%)

Should there be 100% Transparency? Everybody knows everything about everybody else?

Yes - 10%
No - 80%
Undecided - 10%

(question is from this essay)

Should people be microchipped, so they all identification embedded in their body?

Yes - 20%
No - 80%

(question is from essay HERE)

Is it dangerous, and/or unwise, to develop robots that are smarter than humans?

Yes - 80%
No - 20%

Is it ethical to develop robots with human intelligence, but program them for slavery?

Yes - 40%
No - 35%
Undecided - 25%

Is it ethical to develop robots as sex companions, or is this a form of sex slavery?

Yes - 45%
No - 45%
Undecided - 10%

Should people be allowed to marry robots, if the robots have human intelligence?

Yes - 35%
No - 45%
Undecided - 20%

Should people be allowed to adopt robots with human intelligence - as children?

Yes - 30%
No - 50%
Undecided - 20%

Should we accept robot police officers?

Yes - 30%
No - 40%
Undecided - 30%

Should we accept robot teachers, principals, and school administrators?

Yes - 30%
No - 60%
Undecided - 10%

Should we accept robot lawyers, judges, and jury members?

Yes - 20%
No - 70%
Undecided - 10%

Should we accept robot computer programmers in high level positions?

Yes - 10%
No - 70%
Undecided - 20%

Should animals be experimented on for research purposes?

Yes - 50%
No - 40%
Undecided - 10%

Should we forbid enslavement (i.e., captivity) of animals that have higher consciousness?

Yes - 50%
No - 40%
Undecided - 10%

Is it a human responsibility to enhance animals that can be educated, like dolphins or the great apes?

Yes - 5%
No - 50%
Undecided -- 45%

Is it ethical to use independent autonomous weaponry?

Yes - 65%
No - 25%
Undecided - 10%

If we can, should we bring back Neanderthal man? For research purposes? Is this ethical?

Yes - 30%
No - 60%
Undecided - 10%

Should churches be taxed?

Yes - 50%
No - 20%
Undecided - 30%

(question is from this essay)

Should religious instruction be banned to minors, because it's a form of child abuse?

Yes - 10%
No - 50%
Undecided - 40%

Should "One Nation Under God" be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance?

Yes - 66%
No - 33%

Should all politicians running for office be given public, televised lie detector tests?

Yes - 90%
No - 10%

After gay marriage is legalized, do you think polygamous unions should be legalized?

Yes - 40%
No - 30%
Undecided - 30%

(from this essay)

Do you think living 200 years (in good health) would be boring?

Yes - 20%
No - 80%

Do you think living 500 years would be boring?

Yes - 50%
No - 50%

Do you think meat production, i.e., raising livestock, should be outlawed if it presents a serious environmental problem?

Yes - 55%
No - 45%

If "in-vitro meat" is developed, should real meat be outlawed?

Yes - 50%
No - 50%

(from this essay)