Looking Backward to See the Future of Technology

2010-01-22 00:00:00

All technological innovation requires legal and political facilitation. Technological innovation in turn drives changes in intellectual property law.

Dominique Pestre "Technology & Society: Know your History!" from Lift Conference on Vimeo.

Dominique Pestre, historian of science, has worked on the relationship between physics and technology in the XXth century. Part of his work is also dedicated to understanding the heritage of the war on scientific methods such as game theory, system analysis, operative research.

All technological innovation requires legal and political facilitation. Technological innovation in turn drives changes in intellectual property law.

Dominique Pestre "Technology & Society: Know your History!" from Lift Conference on Vimeo.

Dominique Pestre, historian of science, has worked on the relationship between physics and technology in the XXth century. Part of his work is also dedicated to understanding the heritage of the war on scientific methods such as game theory, system analysis, operative research.
