Phil Torres - IEET writer - publishes e-book: “A Crisis of Faith”

Jul 21, 2012

IEET writer Phil Torres has written and published an e-book, available at Amazon in Kindle. The book is entitled “A Crisis of Faith - Atheism, Emerging Technologies and the Future of Humanity”


Phil describes the book himself, below:

A Crisis of Faith puts forth one of the most comprehensive and accessible arguments for the claim that theism and faith-based belief is foolish. Drawing from many disparate fields, including epistemology, evolutionary biology, textual criticism, the philosophy of mind and (what the author refers to as) secular eschatology, Crisis attacks the theistic position from multiple angles. In doing so, the author not only delineates established arguments against God’s existence, but explores topics that no other atheists have yet considered –for instance, how might cognitive enhancements foment the further secularization of society? 

The result is an overwhelmingly convincing case that religion ought to become a thing of the past: it’s bad epistemology and, in a world marked by radical advances in genetics, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, it greatly increases the likelihood of disaster. Crisis is thus a must-read for anyone interested in the philosophical foundations of atheism and the many practical reasons it ought to be accepted.”

The book is available here:

Website for the book is here: