Poll: With longevity increasing, retirement age should be…

Jun 3, 2007

About half of you think we should keep the retirement age where it is, despite increases in healthy longevity, while 43% thought it should be raised or abolished.

Some “other” answers were:

# Adjusted based on a minimum income guarantee and Mobility/ability levels
# Made periodically reversible
# replace retirement with basic income

New poll: Is building a “friendly” super-AI a way to protect against a hostile super-AI? (Closes June 10)  This poll riffs off some recent discussion of the project of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence to design a friendly AI architecture that would defend humanity against the potential “hard take-off” of a non-friendly machine intelligence, as for instance depicted in the Terminator films. Bill Hibbard’s critique of the proposal is here and here. Wikipedia has pages on Singularity and the idea of friendly AI