IEET Readers Mostly Optimistic About Living Long Lives

Jul 24, 2010

More than half of those who responded to a recently concluded poll of IEET readers expect to be alive in the year 2100, aided by one or more forms of advanced technology.

The most popular choice, selected by 40% of our respondents, was that “radical life extension measures” will keep them alive that long. Only 5% say they plan on using cryonic preservation and resuscitation to make an appearance in 2100, while 12% figure they can port their personalities over to a supercomputer and live on as an upload, and 10% say they believe in life after death in a spirit world of some sort. Among our readers, 28% are pessimistic enough (or realistic enough, depending on your point of view) about the possibilities to say, no, they will be dead and gone by then.

Anyone reading this who hopes to be around to see the transition of the 21st century to the 22nd almost certainly will have to rely on methods not currently available””but it seems that most IEET readers are thinking positively.
