IEET appoints Scott as Program Director

Apr 12, 2010

Kristi Scott, formerly an IEET intern, has accepted a position as Program Director: Rights of the Person.

In this important role, she will work on identifying and contacting other scientists, academics, journalists and experts who can assist the IEET in developing a strong, meaningful stance on personhood rights, especially in regard to how the field will evolve in the next few decades.

imageScott, who is a doctoral student in Mass Communication and Media Arts at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, has been a high-performing intern with the IEET since 2007. During that time, she has contributed numerous articles, made public presentations, mentored junior interns, assisted in developing our Technoprogressive Wiki, and also served as a reviewer, copy-editor, and layout editor for the Journal of Evolution and Technology. Recently she was elected to the Board of Directors for Humanity+.

Please join us in welcoming Kristi Scott to the IEET team.