Roland Benedikter Discusses Rights in a Post-Human World

Apr 22, 2018

I agree with Rachel that the future of “serious” AI to be branded as such in the strict sense is still (far) ahead, as I have already stated in my lead essay. And I appreciate Rachel’s notion of “general intelligence” to be applied on the upcoming debates on rights for non-human “intelligence” within modern democracies. I regard this notion to be a potential “added value” to a more in-depth debate which hasn’t been taken into consideration sufficiently yet, at least in current Europe. Yet concrete legal proposal options on the “rights for robots” such as those brought forward by the European Union Committee on Legal Affairs and other EU bodies cannot be ignored by the alliance of global democracies, including the United States. Yet it remains to be seen whether they anticipate, or—perhaps unwillingly—co-generate a future that is to be rejected.

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