How Beppe Grillo is failing while trying to control eDemocracy in Italy
Pietro Speroni di Fenizio
2013-07-14 00:00:00

What we should note is how the same thing is happening for eDemocracy. It is already happening. Alessandro Gilioli, journalist for the Espresso notices (in italian) it on his blog Piovono Rane.

Dice oggi Beppe Grillo che gli iscritti al MoVimento 5 Stelle di Roma non potranno esprimersi sull’ipotesi di mandare un assessore nella giunta Marino nella consultazione on line decisa (decisa?) ieri dai consiglieri comunali del M5S eletti a Roma.

[TRANSLATED] Beppe Grillo says that the people registered with the MoVimento 5 Stelle from Roma cannot express themselves on the hypothesis to send a collaborator inside the Marino’s [Major of Rome] team. Voting on line decided (decided? [nda]) yesterday by the city councilmen from M5S elected in Rome.

Let’s now look at Beppe Grillo’s post, because I think it is important:

In merito ad alcune iniziative dei consiglieri comunali di Roma si ribadisce che:

– il MoVimento 5 Stelle non fa alleanze, né palesi né tantomeno mascherate, con alcun partito, ma vota le proposte presenti nel suo programma

– l’unica base dati certificata coincidente con gli attivisti M5S e con potere deliberativo è quella nazionale che si è espressa durante le Parlamentarie e le Quirinarie e quindi il voto chiesto da De Vito on line non ha alcun valore

[TRANSLATED] regarding some initiatives from the city councilmen of Rome, it is here clarified that:

- the 5 Star MoVement makes no alliances. Neither overt nor covert, with any party. Instead it will vote the proposals that are present in it’s own program

- The only certified database of activists of the M5S movement allowed to deliberate is the national list that have expressed themselves during the “Parlamentarie” [a vote in which the people to be elected to the parliament were chosen] and the “Quirinarie” [a vote in which the 5 Star Movement decided who to vote for the President of the Republic]. As such the vote asked by De Vito on line has no value.

Let us look at this point:”The only certified database of activists of the M5S movement allowed to deliberate is the national list“. First of all this is a new rule, that was not there before. Beppe Grillo first calls himself just a “spokeperson”. E even declares that everybody will be allowed to participate in eDemocracy. And now he claims that the only owner of the list of people allowed to take decisions is himself, and the company connected to him, the Casaleggio e Associati. We are absolutely in the situation described by Doc Searls. And it is right my friend Adriano Zaccagnini, when (leaving the 5 Star Movement) declared that the 5 Star Movement is not a Company-party, but a Movement-Party. Something like a Berlusconi 2.0.

Now let us discuss what can be done. The Major of Rome, Marino, il searching for an Assessor on law and urban security declares that he is willing to evaluate curriculum presented by the 5 Star Movements. By itself a generous act. People of the MoVement, from Rome, local activists, decide to consult the Net. What are the risks for Beppe Grillo? There are several. First of all he is risking to lose the control over the Movement. If local people makes agreements with the PD, what will be about his Leadership? Second, there is the risk that in future PD asks for something back: As we gave you an assessor, now you own us… . If Grillo is making this analysis he shows to be more ancient, politically, than many of his collaborators. Even Marino himself, simply is opening up to people with a good Curriculum presented by the Net. Why shouldn’t he?

Then there is the problem of the local elections. Up to now each group was organising himself through meet up. And would organise its internal decisions as they wanted. In Sicily there is a Liquid Feedback platform. In Tuscany and Sardinia they are starting with Airesis platforms. And Beppe Grillo has no control over those groups. Activists from Bergamo, who organised themselves with a Liquid Feedback platform, have rejected the request to expel Adele Gambaro. This must have been an alarm bell for Beppe Grillo and his staff. Another alarm bell must have been the opening of  TuParlamento a Liquid Feedback platform. Open from a few days by some politicians from the Partito Democratico (center left party). Tu Parlamento opens on the 19th of June. The 20th of June, the day after, Beppe Grillo decides, finally, to look for programmers for his platform. Considering the complexity of some of the documents linked it is obvious that he must have been working on it from a long time. But this passage must have happened 6 months before the national elections. Not now.

In other words, Beppe Grillo, who has been the public person to discover the eDemocracy in our country is slowly losing control of it. What should we do, and what well happen? Regarding the situation in Rome, absolutely nothing. Beppe Grillo is irrelevant, because it is not him (nor someone from the M5S) that will decide the new “assessore”. The Net is absolutely free to decide and propose any name they want. Marino is free to accept those names or not. The only thing that should be clear is that this action does not have, nor can it have, any implication on possible future decisions (local or nationals).In this sense the Net takes decisions basing itself on the data of now. has a (perfect) memory, but does not keep promises (being always made by different people).

It is inevitable that eDemocracy will find its way out of the chains that Beppe Grillo is clumsily trying to place around it. Airesis has its own followers. Liquid Feedback never needed anything from Beppe Grillo. The new platform from Beppe Grillo is being planned with a series of limits to make sure that it can be controlled well. The more Beppe Grillo does this, the more the people will leave the Movimento 5 Stelle.