Treder to participate in futurist meeting
Mike Treder
Apr 5, 2006

As part of their ongoing Humanity 3000 series, the Foundation For the Future is convening a special workshop called “Crossroads for Planet Earth” this week in Bellevue, Washington (USA).

Human population, extreme and widespread poverty, biodiversity, energy and environment, public health, world economies, global priorities—in so many arenas, humanity has reached a crossroads where decisions of monumental consequence will be made, either proactively or by default.

“The mandate we’ve given ourselves is not how do we get to an idealized future,” said Bob Citron, Executive Director of the Foundation, “but rather, what do the best minds of our current generation see as probable pathways for humanity in the long-term future?”

IEET Fellow and CRN Executive Director Mike Treder has been invited to attend and will make a presentation at this workshop.