Radical Change Lies Ahead

2015-05-02 00:00:00

IEET Fellow David Wood is the chair of London Futurists and on the Humanity+ board of directors. This interview covers a variety of interesting topics such as: his background in mathematics, quantum mechanics and mobile computing; his take on futurism and transhumanism; the importance of philosophy in general and ethics in particular; free will, determinism, making choices and taking action; P+, Transpolitica and the importance of (changing) politics; the singularity and out chances of surviving it; capitalism, abundance and technological unemployment…

IEET Fellow David Wood is the chair of London Futurists and on the Humanity+ board of directors. This interview covers a variety of interesting topics such as: his background in mathematics, quantum mechanics and mobile computing; his take on futurism and transhumanism; the importance of philosophy in general and ethics in particular; free will, determinism, making choices and taking action; P+, Transpolitica and the importance of (changing) politics; the singularity and out chances of surviving it; capitalism, abundance and technological unemployment…
