The Insidious Evil of 'The Law of Attraction'
Cathi Woodward
2011-03-04 00:00:00

Now that I have your attention with that title, the Law really isn't evil at all if recognized and used as only one of the tools in the toolbox. It would be evil, defined as ignorance and fear, if it was the only weapon in the arsenal.

LawThe Law of Attraction basically says that you attract what you think about, thus you should think only about what you want, not what you don't want.

Being human, that is pretty much impossible for me. Not to mention implying guilt or -less-than' type feelings if I'm not able to keep up the farce of a smile on my face at all times, reflecting the happy thoughts inside.

It is difficult to smile when confronted with pain and death on a daily basis. These are realities that many try to escape from on that river in Egypt, denial. Or, they may be reminders of painful events in our past that we do not understand or have not dealt with adequately. Many have turned away from the example set by men using religion as a means of control.

The Law of Attraction is particularly and insidiously evil when fed to a spiritually starved populace that has been acclimated to a diet of hypocrisy, fear, and greed by example and has been conditioned to expect instant gratification for money. An extremely poor diet indeed if it is used as the only source of spiritual sustenance.

While our feelings may be completely uncontrollable and actually define and guide us, the basic principle -- that our actions or reactions are completely under our control -- is true.

In the recent tele-coupling of events in the Middle East and Wisconsin, people recognize the similar underlying concept of protesting the domination of the underprivileged many by the overprivileged few, and this has underscored just how quickly and closely we can connect and share.

I believe that the light of transparency, enabled and powered by exponentially evolving technology, will allow us to share the spiritual concepts of love and compassion, bringing us back to age-old concepts of courage, integrity, and compassion that instant gratification has suppressed.

Courage begins inside when formative events are faced directly and honestly to understand the lessons contained within each. Integrity includes realizing our truth and aligning our actions with principles of fairness and justice. Compassion is sharing the full range from laughter and joy to pain and fear, for without either, and someone to share with, compassion is rendered meaningless.

In our ongoing evolution, we will learn from the darkness of the past and look to the brilliance of the future with hope and faith. But how exciting to see and be a part of the light spreading into dark corners and crevasses around the world, right now.