Yeb Saño: We are at war with climate change and hunger

2014-04-22 00:00:00

Published on Mar 26, 2014, Yeb Saño, head of the Filipino delegation, delivered an emotional speech at the UN climate negotiations last year: Now he explains how climate change is making people hungry and exhorts the world to fight it together. Join the fight: Note: Yeb mentions that "across the globe by the year 2020 at least 50 million more people are at risk of going hungry because of climate change." This statistic should refer to 2050, not 2020.


Published on Mar 26, 2014, Yeb Saño, head of the Filipino delegation, delivered an emotional speech at the UN climate negotiations last year: Now he explains how climate change is making people hungry and exhorts the world to fight it together. Join the fight: Note: Yeb mentions that "across the globe by the year 2020 at least 50 million more people are at risk of going hungry because of climate change." This statistic should refer to 2050, not 2020.
