The “Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Transhumanism, Posthumanism and Metahumanism” which has been edited by Evi D. Sampanikou, and Jan Stasienko has just been published. Several writings by IEET Fellow Stefan Lorenz Sorgner have been included in this special collection as well as texts by the IEET Fellows Natasha Vita-More, and David Pearce and theExecutive Director and Co-Founder of IEET James Hughes. Here, you can find the contents. It can also be ordered directly from the publishing house, the oldest publishing house in the world.

The Institute of Social and Political Research – ICSP – of West University, Timisoara is hosting a one-day online symposium entitled “Living the Posthuman Paradigm Shift? A Symposium on Sorgner’s “On Transhumanism””. It will take place on the 27th of May 2021, and several world-leading scholars will critically discuss selected reflections from Sorgner’s most recent monograph “On Transhumanism” (Penn State University Press 2020) with him.

The event will be livestreamed via the Metahumanities-youtube-channel, which you can subscribe to already:

1st part

2nd part


Recently, one of the founders of transhumanism, IEET Fellow Natasha Vita-More, has launched the website “Transhumanist Studies”. She invited the following world-leading transhumanists to join her program and become Faculty Mentors:


In addition, IEET Fellow Stefan Lorenz Sorgner has been invited to give the opening presentation at the conference “Posthuman Mimesis”, which will take place from the 20th until the 22nd of May 2021, and which was organized by the ERC Project “Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism” ( Here, you find the program of the event.

In between the 26th and the 28th of May 2021, there will be the 2nd international symposium on transhumanism in Brazil, to which IEET Fellows Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and Natasha Vita-More have been invited as speakers.

In the summer of 2021, the essay collection “Humanism and its Discontents. The Rise of Transhumanism and Posthumanism” will get published. It was edited by the leading French intellectual Paul Jorion and includes a detailed intellectual exchange between Paul Jorion and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner on truth, personhood, and Nietzsche’s Superhuman.